Franco Bolelli

Franco Bolelli (born Milan, 1950) is one of the leading modern Italian philosophers. A very prolific writer with many books to his credit, he explores the most advanced areas of evolution in order to connect and enhance different creative worlds. One of the unique aspects of Bolelli’s writings, that has led to his popularity, is the ability to discuss the most complex philosophical issues in a very down-to-earth style with plenty of references to pop culture. As an example of this, among his philosophical influences he mentions Nietzsche and Taoism along with the game of basketball and rock’n roll.

In addition to writing, Bolelli regularly teaches at Domus Academy, in Milano, for an international Master in Fashion and Design. He has also organized plenty of lectures, festivals and events that have gathered together some of the finest names on the Italian cultural scene (among them his friends video artist Andrea Zingoni, and singer-songwriter Lorenzo Cherubini aka “Jovanotti[1]). The most famous of these festivals were FRONTIERE (1998–2001) and Living Simplicity (2006).

Among the main books written by Bolelli are the following:
